Advertise on Quora

People visit Quora every day to ask questions and read insightful answers. Advertise on Quora to reach millions of people who are already looking for answers to questions that relate to your business or industry.

Why Advertise on Quora?

Reach decision makers

Millions of people already use Quora to research information about your company, products, competitors and industry. Reach them at the right point in their decision making process.

A large, engaged audience

Quora has a worldwide audience of more than 300 million monthly unique visitors. In the United States, Quora users also tend to be highly educated.

Protection for your brand

Users on Quora create profiles based on their real identities and our moderation policies enforce civil discourse meaning your advertisements will only show up alongside high quality content.

High user intent

Users on Quora demonstrate high intent based on the content they read. We offer a variety of targeting options that allow your ads to target the right user, at the right time, with the right message.

Marketing on Quora


Reach customized audiences based on your data.

Ad Formats

Create effective ads in minutes that look native to the Quora experience.


Connect with your audience at the right time and in the right context.


Monitor, analyze, and optimize campaign performance.

Start advertising with Quora today.

Join thousands of businesses who have already started seeing results advertising with Quora.