Selling digital products online?

You sell, we get you paid!

(*) Thousands of people are already selling, buyingand promoting products through DealGuardian!

What is DealGuardian ?

The next-generation marketplace

It's never been easier to sell products online!

Our vision was to create a world class marketplace where... A) customers can buy with all the information they need to make an informed decision, B) vendors can sell their products without processing hassles or technical headaches, and finally C) Affiliates find quality offers to promote, knowing they'll get paid in time.

Ready to get started?

Discover the new way to buy, sell

and promote products online!

It's a closed ecosystem

We ensure the quality, safety and accuracy of the whole ordering process.

DealGuardian monitors and controls every aspect of the product ordering process: the checkout page where sensible payment data is encrypted, the automated product delivery upon ordering, the user account's private data, the certified ratings and reviews from actual paying customers, the money-back refund policy being honored, etc.

By controlling and monitoring the whole process, DealGuardian can guarantee the security and accuracy of the entire system!

For Affiliate?

Don't risk your PayPal account

DealGuardian handles all payments

Since we process payments through DealGuardian's merchant accounts, affiliates don't need to use their own PayPal accounts. As a result, you don't risk your PayPal account due to potential refunds or chargebacks.

Get paid as quick as 10 days

We forward your affiliate profits ASAP!

Within as shortly as 10 days, we forward your profits to you via PayPal, check or bank wire (your choice) in one bundle payment at your convenience.

Automated autoresponder integration

Build your referral mailing list

We integrate with all autoresponder services: Aweber, InfusionSoft, GetResponse, iContact, MailChimp, 1ShoppingCart, etc. All of them!

The system registers your referrals to your mailing lists automatically in the background, without them having to fill out subscription any form, so you can also build your own customer mailing list for future promotions!

Advanced analytics!

Track every ratio about your sales

DealGuardian keeps track of absolutely every metric you should be aware of as an affiliate: how many visitors you send to a product, how many sales, your affiliate commissions, your conversion rates, your refund ratios, your dollar-per-referral ratio, etc

Moreover, you will be able to download a full report with all your affiliate sales, your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly revenue, etc. Every single metric... at the click of your mouse!